Monday, October 10, 2005

Homeward bound . . . in the new van

Abby do . . . Abby do . . .

Buckled up to head home.

One more time . . . Emma being . . . Emma!

Almost ready to say goodbye.

Patience with Abby's coat . . .

Next Morning . . . getting ready to go home !

Emma . . . being Emma

Jenn & Emma

Emma telling a story or two . . .

Abby and Emma being entertained by Andy Oke

Dave, Jenn, Abby & Emma

The Maguire clan

Here's the whole Maguire family . . .

Our host family . . . the Oke's and Sak

Thanksgiving 2005 at the Oaks

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Abbey's 3rd Birthday

Wow . . . can you believe it, Abbey's 3rd Birthday Wednesday April 6,2005 ! ! !

Abbey's Birthday party . . . Posted by Hello

I think it's a Barbie something . . .  Posted by Hello

Cat-in-the-hat Bathroom accessories from great Grandma Maguire Posted by Hello

A new Beach towel Posted by Hello

Oh . . . woow ! ! ! Posted by Hello

More presents . . . Posted by Hello

A new purse . . . Posted by Hello

Dad . . . the seat is too high ! Posted by Hello

First spin around the livingroom Posted by Hello

Checking out my new bike Posted by Hello

Blowing out the candle. Posted by Hello

I can hardly wait until MY birthday Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Grandma Hayter & The Grand Children + Posted by Hello

Easter In Grand Bend Posted by Hello

Sharing Easter Eggs Posted by Hello

Abbey's New Book Posted by Hello

Easter Morning Posted by Hello